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Music Composer

Hi! I've been making music since 2014 and I've been happy with making music. I've helped my collages making a music for their games, accepting commissions to make BGMs, and making some albums for my circle to put it at local events. I like listening to many genre of music because I think they have their unique interest at those genres.


By the way, you can click at those picture to see the albums I (and my circle friends) have made!

*Those pics linked to soundcloud and bandcamp.

Always open!

Am I Open to Commission?

I like you ask! You can contact me by e-mail or by other social media (facebook, twitter, or else)! For the pricing, it'll be $50 / 30 seconds (loop-able or not loop-able) music. If you want to discuss it, feel free to contact me!


Yeah, you can see my e-mail and other links at the top of the web or the bottom! :)

Poke Me!

Oh right, you can just put your information here and send your mail to me right away! What a time to be alive.
Anyway, if you are interested to put my work in your project, or you want me to make a music for your game, or just want to say "Hi, who are you?" to me, send it up to me!

  • facebook
  • twitter
  • soundcloud
  • soundcloud
  • youtube
  • generic-social-link
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Thank you for sending your message!

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